Friday ramblings

Rain just keeps falling here non stop! The ground is saturated and the rivers are full and pouring over their banks. I drove with my Aunt and Cousin to Schwabish Hall today, all the fields near the river Kocher are flooded, tomorrow is suppose to be the last day of rain for awhile, thank goodness I need to ride my bike! 

While in Hall we stopped at yet another bike shop and no luck finding tire latex, they told me that tubeless technology is pretty much unheard off in Germany. I did buy some fix a flat but woke up this morning to a flat tire so I'm just going to throw some tubes in and race! 

Last night, Thomas, Walter, Bernd & myself met at Andy's house to watch Race Across the Sky 2010. They are all as bike crazy as I am :) pretty sure they want to come to the US and do some riding in CO, maybe not race but ride for sure. We all had a fun night watching the movie.
