Leadville Day 2 Easy Ride

Ride 1 Strava Data  http://app.strava.com/activities/172157432#kudos

Art and the group were going to ride the Columbine Climb today but being my first day I needed to take it easier. After a decent nights sleep I had breakfast and headed out on my own, today I would ride down into the valley to the base of the famous Powerline and ride the flater part of the course some of is paved and most of the Pipeline section. Your surrounded by beautiful Moutain views on both sides and it has a few smaller climbs. I'm out here all by myself and it instantly bring back memories of my other LT100 races and the many rides I have had on these trails.

Famous Powerline in the Background
 I ride the two horseshoes and to little stinker where I notice rain clouds so at that point I turn around and ride back the same way. The 2-3 mile climb back up to town is always interesting, I thought of the time Art and I were run off the road by a truck. I make it back up to town feeling really good and happy. Once back at the hostel I shower and head to town with friends Robert and Bonnie for lunch, there We run into Doc, Christian & Troy nice to see them all. After we left it began to rain and never stopped so we hang out at the hostel. Later in the evening a fellow named Philip comes in and we find out he is riding around the world on his bike, incredible journey! After some table discussion it's off to bed day 1 in the books.

At the top of little stinker
