Leadville Day 10, The countdown begins...

Been here 10 days now, have ridden the whole course both ways, lots of work over the past months am I ready??? we'll find out in 4 days. Woke up this morning felt like I had been hit by a train, I've been sleeping very good then again I've been pretty tired but last night well?  about 2 am the guy in the bunk above me starts coughing like crazy and it didn't sound like he was covering his mouth, I wake up thinking of all the germs that falling down up me, ughh just what I need this close to race day, eventually I fall back to sleep. At about 4:30am the same guys drops his phone and a battery pack between the bed and the wall and it hits me right in the head, wtf! I wake up in a panic wondering the heck just happened, I grab it and hand back to him he apologizes but whatever, I was happy today was his last day in the room. I never did fall back asleep after the phone hit me, I get out about 6:30am go up and eat a hearty breakfast at the hostel, Art and a few of the others are going up Pipe line one more time today, I was just to tired and opted to stay put, my friend Robert and I decided we may ride later just an easy cruise around the paved Mineral Belt Trail. About 11am Robert and I drive down to the Trail 100 headquarters to help with packet stuffing, my friend Kimberly was in charge of it all, nice to see her, so we go to work with a dozen others getting over 2000 bags filled with swag. After 2 hours of stuffing they feed us some pizza and we head back up the hostel, I decide to clean both mine and Pat's bike as she will be arriving tomorrow, really miss her. Robert, Dennis and I decided on a short easy ride up the Mineral Belt Trail, its about 400 ft of climbing we just take it easy once at the top we take a few pictures and head back the plan was to ride some single track back down to the hostel. As we get to where we want to turn around a man and his daughter warn us of a cub bear on the trail just ahead, where there's a cub there is usually a momma so who we don't want to see, so we turn back and head downhill.  As were riding down I see a couple of Ergon riders coming towards us, I see it's Alban Lakata and his team mate, I say hi to him and he pulls over, we chat for 5 min and head off, very cool of him to stop, we did warn him of the bear.  At the entrance to the single track we drop in and ride down it, pretty fun stuff, a bit on the muddy side, we look up and there is major rain on the way so we but out to the road and rush back to the hostel. After a short heavy afternoon rain we drive over to our friend Doc's house for his annual riders party, there I see pretty much everyone I know that is racing this saturday and few others that i haven't seen in a long time, nice to catch up with everyone. After eating we head back and its now time to relax and go to bed, for a rest day its been pretty busy, pretty sure tomorrow will be the same as I have to drive to Denver to pick up Pat.

The Leadville Hostel backyard
Packet Stuffing at LT100 Headquarters 
The sign says it all 
Don't ever fall in front of a mining cart
Party at Doc's House
Angela & Grace having fun at Doc's
Dennis, Daniel and Noah enjoying the food
My friend Tommy who I haven't seen in a very long time!
Grace & I back at the hostel another friend I haven't seen in a long time
