What is happening to the Sport I so love?

This morning I posted on Facebook the fact that the famous Iceman Cometh Race has increased its entry fee's to $100 and that I probably would never race it again.  I opened a can of worms as it quickly became a very hot thread! I had to go to the Auto-Show for work and walked around wondering to myself what exactly about the price increase has me pissed off?  Well I guess the sport in general has me pissed off, bikes are up $12,000 its just a bike a frame, two wheels and some gears Ok all carbon and super light but still you can buy a decent used car for that much, and here I am looking at $250,000 cars, Cycling is what I do, and being a racer you always want the best, lightest, most nimble steed, you justify it to yourself, Hey I'm a racer I need that $12,000 bike, but reality is you don't, everything has gone up its just a sign of the times.  I have raced in the Iceman at least a dozen times, it has always been a fun filled weekend with my friends, lots beer drinking, food, it was an end of the season celebration great great times, but none of this had anything to do with the actual race that I am paying for.   My issue is value, with things so expensive now a day, we all want value for our money and the past few times I have raced the Iceman, I had a great time with my friends but left Traverse City frustrated at the race, why?? because there are points in the race where you just sit in a long line of riders not moving at all, to many people on the course, when they had rider limits this was not a problem, but once they let in 4000 plus riders it became a big issue.  When I race I'm out there trying to be the best I can be on that particular day,  I am looking for a course, a start, a finish and a time, we race for a time, thats what were paying for!!  and hopefully a course that allows me to put my best effort in.  Iceman became very frustrating for me, its difficult to move up into top 5-10 waves because it never allows you to be your best, standing in a line of riders is not value for my money and nothing to do with the pleasure I have being with friends and the atmosphere this is the race. I have also experienced this at the Leadville 100 back where there was a 750 person limit the ride up St Keven's was manageable but once they more than doubled you noticed a big differance. Both Iceman and Leadville have a mystic to them, anyone that races a mountain bike at one time or another wants to try racing in them and they will always fill up more power to the promoters, make as much coin as you can after all its the American Way, I on the other hand have decided to spend my money elsewhere, races that I feel allow me to be my best. Now all races have crowding thats just racing, what I'm talking is standing or walking for quit some time.  2013 I raced in the Bike 4 Peaks race in Europe, entry fee cost me $460, 4 days of racing, can only think of one point where the crowd became an issue and it was a section of trail that had to be altered because of the trail conditions, $115 a day for 4 days of racing that allowed me to put my best effort in, they had emt's on motorcycles making sure everyone was ok, dinner was included everyday as well as a briefing on the next days challenge, everything else set aside it was a real value to me. And I don't buy the costs go up, well they might but he still has lots of sponsors that help with costs, I just want to pay for the race, I don't need a shuttle back to town, have people that need it pay it in advance as part of registration, I see no problem with adding these items to registration so those need it pay and those who don't save. Today even had me thinking that I should just quit racing, but there still are lots of fun races that I enjoy and I will continue to support, it just saddens me what has happened to so many of the great races. I get it, but can't support it. I guess if Iceman limited its field to 1000 riders again I could justify the increase and who knows maybe because of the increase there will be less riders, but I doubt it.  Cant things just go back to the old ways, well except for my 20 lb full suspension steed :) is it wrong to ask for value? I will spend my money if I think its worth it
